Saturday, October
21, 2000
Nader's Green Party growing
By Michael Knock
Iowa City Press-Citizen
According to the official Green Party Web site, the Greens
say their organization is based upon 10 key values. Those values
include social justice, grassroots democracy, environmentalism,
diversity and community-based economics.
Supporters said those values drew them away from the Democrats.
Presidential candidate Ralph Nader is making his second run
for the White House on the Green Party ticket. In 1996, the
consumer rights advocate received less than 1 percent of the
popular vote. He is running well above those numbers now. According
to the Web site, Nader is attracting the support of
between 3 percent and 5 percent of the electorate.
Local Green Party member Holly Hart said Nader was a good choice.
"He's already well-known, and he's articulate," Hart said.
"You knew the press couldn't ignore him."
estimates that Johnson County has 50 to 70 dues-paying members
of the Green Party. In local races, the party is represented
by Russell Lovetinsky, who is challenging incumbent Mary Mascher
for state House, 46th District.
Iowa City, our meetings will draw anywhere from 30 people to
four people," Hart said. "But our rallies have been well-attended,
and all the major cities in Iowa have contact people."
fact, Hart said the Green Party had organizations in 29 counties
across the state and supporters in all 99.
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